Once again my Dwarves met the Bretonnians on the field of battle. I finally remembered to add a few anti-misfire runes to my cannon and removed the Slayers. Let’s see if this helped me at all!

The Dwarven battle line.

The Bretonnian battle line.

As the Bretonianns dismounted to pray to their Fae Elf Goddess the Dwarves got the first turn. The Dwarves on the right flank advanced to secure the hill while the Dwarves on the left used the woods to secure their flank.

Secure in the knowledge their cannon would be (more) secure from misfires with a few carefully placed runes the cannon crew opened fire and watched their calculations fail miserably by sailing a full 10″ on the first bounce killing one knight.

Darn it Snorri! Just because the runes protect us from explosion and you CAN add more powder doesn’t mean you SHOULD!

The Bretonnians start their advance and their mage casts the ruby pillar, represented by the poker chip. This spell would never be dispelled and killed a disproportionate amount of Dawi throughout the game. It is such a grudge of mine I shake my fist at it’s mere mention!

Shocking no one the fast moving Bretonianns quickly surround and engage the Dwarven line.

The Longbeards on the left flank get engaged but manage to hold their ground but not before a number of the old grumblers get ground beneath the hooves and lances of the knights.

The warriors on the right flank were killed so fast I didn’t even have time to take a picture! The Thunderers turned to put some shots into the mass of knights in front of them and hopefully sell their lives dearly.

Once again the Dwarven cannon crew over packs the cannon with an initial bounce of 8″. Another turn another dead knight. I’m beginning to think my canon model is cursed.

The King and his men were able to charge the flank of the unit harassing the Longbeards.

Meanwhile the Thunderers faced down the overrunning Pegasus Knights.

In a flurry of amazing saves the Lady blessed the knights allowing one to survive the attack of two units, a Runesmith, the Battle Standard Bearer and a heavily runed King!

The Pegasus Knights whiffed their roles and failed to kill all the Dwarves but were easily able to run them down and kill them in their flight.

The King and his unit had reformed to face the front and were taunting the Pegasus Knights to charge them on their next turn. Not to ruin the surprise but the fancy knights decided to try and find softer targets.

Like the flank of the much depleted Longbeards.

Also looking for a soft target the knight wedge on the right flank took aim at the Dwarven cannon and crew.

The Pegasus Knights charged the flank of the Longbeards and with the help of their Lord they were able to kill the unit except for the two swarthy characters.

Through a lucky roll gruesome twosome fell back in good order to stare their death in the eyes.

Of course the knights put the Dwarven cannon to cold steel.

The Lord was able to kill the Dwarven Standard Bearer as the Runesmith watched, unable to help.

With the remainder of the Kings unit being the only thing left on the board we called the game at turn 4 in favor of the Bretonnians. Obviously.

Well. That didn’t go according to plan. Or did it? Both Dwarf players knew it wasn’t the best idea to split forces but we wanted to try something other than just sitting on the hill. The fast paced Bretonnians were not the army to try this against and we were easily defeated in detail. Our opponent was rolling like a madman and we were rolling terribly, but even if the rolls were reversed I doubt the roles would have been. (See what I did there? That’s a dad joke win. At least I got some form of win out of this. I do need to consider bringing an Anvil of Doom, the Dwarves innate magic resistance doesn’t help much when they aren’t the targets of the spells. I claim I’m done with cannons too, but we will see if I swap it out of the list. I have other war machines I haven’t used this edition, maybe it is well past time to try something else.

I hope you enjoyed this read, and if you are a Dwarf remember this battle and avenge me next time you face those pompous humans!


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